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TEACHERS HELPING TEACHERS To provide basic teaching tips to inexperienced teachers; ideas that can be immediately implemented into the classroom.
To provide new ideas in teaching methodologies for all teachers.
To provide a forum for experienced teachers to share their expertise and tips with colleagues around the world.

PINAKES, A Subject Launchpad In ancient times, the Library of Alexandria was seen as a universal store of human knowledge. As the Library grew in size, however, it became increasingly difficult to locate relevant material. The poet Callimachus solved the problem by compiling a catalogue called The Pinakes. On a far smaller scale, these Web pages hope to provide a similar function for Internet resources, by linking to the major subject gateways.

StudyWeb Very, very big resource. All subjects, and then more. 

European Schoolnet  

Teachers Ideas root  Quirky but useful. This page is in three sections.... 
(1) Miscellaneous links to sites other than specific schools, 
(2) links to schools, 
(3) teaching ideas from site editor, Tom Boyd.