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The Web Portal For Educators- teacher resources, professional development American, but useful in UK.

BBC Web Guide  

BBC Schools Online

BBC Online - Site Map

BBC Education Homepage

Education Unlimited The Guardian's English portal. Good range and selection of materials 

Everything Education - Bringing Schools and Businesses Together. A wealth of pertinent information for professionals
working in Education - featuring links to relevant sites that will assist in harnessing the Web to deliver the best possible educational standards.
Includes a swap shop

PINAKES, A Subject Launchpad In ancient times, the Library of Alexandria was seen as a universal store of human knowledge. As the Library grew in size, however, it became increasingly difficult to locate relevant material. The poet Callimachus solved the problem by compiling a catalogue called The Pinakes. On a far smaller scale, these Web pages hope to provide a similar function for Internet resources, by linking to the major subject gateways. The Web Portal For Educators- teacher resources, professional development American, but useful in UK.

Welcome to EDSITEment! brings together the best of the humanities on the web. It is a constantly growing collection of the most valuable online resources for teaching English, history, art history, and foreign languages.

AngliaCampus : Learning Exchange

EduWeb - The Leading Internet Education Service providing education resources for teachers and pupils

Schoolnet welcome

Guardian Unlimited Education

NINE Connect: The Northern Ireland Node of the NGFL

ScoilNet Homepage - Irish Government educational site
Ferl website - full of teaching ideas, tried and tested good practice