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Student Self-Assessment at Key Stage 3

In the English department at Southfield School for Girls we have been encouraging students to assess themselves against National Curriculum criteria.

This has arisen from a desire to create an environment which develops a greater sense of responsibility for their own learning amongst our students. At regular intervals our students assess for themselves their position within the National Curriculum framework using posters of the level descriptors, rewritten as "I can" statements, which are displayed in all the English classrooms. This assessment is then used by the students as the basis for setting themselves targets. This means that:

  • students can see for themselves where they are in the National Curriculum assessment scheme;

  • students can see for themselves what they need to be able to do to progress to the next level;

  • and students can set themselves appropriate targets for achieving the next level.

I hope that as this web site develops materials will be posted by teachers of English all over the country which can then be downloaded and used by other teachers and departments. In this spirit of co-operation and support I offer here the "I can" statements I have prepared for use by our students to be freely copied and used by other departments - it was a long job and so I would appreciate a credit if they are used and please email me to let me know if you've found them useful .


Attainment Target 1: Speaking and Listening

Level 1
  • I can talk about things which interest me.

  • I can listen carefully to what others say.

  • I can make others understand me, and I sometimes talk about things in detail.

Level 2
  • I can talk confidently, especially about things I'm interested in.

  • I can include details in what I say to help people understand what I am talking about.

  • I can use a lot of different words.

  • I can listen very carefully to what others are saying.

  • I know that I have to talk in different ways in different situations.

Level 3
  • I can talk and listen confidently and understand what is said.

  • I can discuss ideas with other people.

  • I can listen to others very carefully and I understand what they say.

  • I can ask questions if I don't understand.

  • I can use joined up writing which is easy to read.

Level 4
  • I can write different types of writing (forms) which are interesting to read.

  • I can alter the way I write when I write for different people and for different reasons.

  • I can choose interesting words to make my writing more interesting.

  • I can write long sentences correctly; I spell longer words correctly; and I can use punctuation, including commas correctly.

  • I can write neatly and so it is readable.

Level 5
  • I can write clearly and in an interesting way, which is appropriate for the people I am writing for (the audience) and the reason I am writing (the purpose).

  • I can use interesting words correctly and I can spell difficult (complex) words correctly.

  • I can use commas, paragraphs, apostrophes and speech marks correctly.

  • I can write clearly in a joined up (cursive) style.

Level 6
  • I can write interestingly enough to keep readers interested.

  • I can write in the appropriate style for the purpose, this includes writing in a formal (impersonal) style.

  • I can choose words (vocabulary) and write sentences in particula

    • I can change the way I speak when I am talking to different people.

    • I know about standard English and when to use it.

    Level 4
    • I can talk and listen with confidence in different situations (contexts).

    • I can change the way I talk depending on why I am talking (the purpose).

    • I can explain my ideas and opinions and describe things which have happened (events).

    • I can listen to others carefully in a discussion and respond to their ideas and views.

    • I can use standard English.

    Level 5
    • I can talk and listen in a lot of different contexts, some of them formal.

    • I can talk in ways which are interesting for the listener.

    • I can ask questions in discussions and take in to account what others think.

    • I can use standard English in formal situations.

    Level 6
    • I can change the way I talk in different contexts.

    • I can use different words (vocabulary) and talk in different ways to make what I say interesting.

    • I can take an active part in discussions, understanding others ideas and responding sensitively.

    • I can speak clearly (fluently) in standard English.

    Level 7
    • I can match the way I speak to the context.

    • I can use vocabulary precisely and organise what I say clearly.

    • I can make significant contributions to discussions and I take part when I think it is appropriate.

    • I can use standard English confidently.

    Level 8
    • I can talk purposefully in a range of situations.

    • I can speak clearly using appropriate vocabulary, tone (intonation) and emphasis.

    • I can contribute to discussions in a range of appropriate ways.

    • I use standard English confidently in a range of situations when I think it is appropriate.

    Exceptional performance
    • I can select a style of speech (register) appropriate to the situation.

    • I can change the sentence structure, vocabulary and expression according to the purpose.

    • I can take a leading role in discussions.

    • I can listen with concentration to complex speech.

    • I can help to sustain a discussion and I am an assured user of standard English.

    Attainment Target 2: Reading

    Level 1
    • I can read aloud words I read a lot.

    • I can understand what more difficult words mean because I know the alphabet, but I sometimes need help.

    • I can say why I like some poems and stories.

    Level 2
    • I can read and understand easy pieces of writing.

    • I can often work out how to say a word and what it means if I do not know it.

    • I can say what I think about things which have happened in the story, poem, or other writing.

    Level 3
    • I can read aloud clearly and without making many mistakes.

    • I can usually work out what a word means by myself.

    • I can understand what happens in what I read and can explain what I like and what I do not like.

    • I can find books in the library, use a dictionary and an index because I know the alphabet.

    Level 4
    • When I read a story I can say who is in it (the characters) and what happens (the events).

    • When I read a piece of writing I can say what it is about (the themes).

    • I can try to guess what happens in a story and make guesses about why characters do things.

    • When I talk or write about something I've read I can show someone what I mean in the book.

    • I can find out what I want to know from books.

    Level 5
    • I can say what is important about what I have read.

    • I use examples and quotations from what I have read to show what I mean.

    • I can find out what I want to know from books and other sources of information.

    Level 6
    • I can see that there may be more than one meaning to pieces of writing (texts) I have read, and I can explain why these are important.

    • I can say what I think about books, poems and plays by looking at the way they are written (the language and the structure) and the themes.

    • I can research something I want to know from lots of different sources and write it down.

    Level 7
    • I can say how writers use language to say what they want to say.

    • I can write about themes, structure and the way language is used (linguistic features) in poems, plays and novels.

    • I can select information from many sources and use it in different ways.

    Level 8
    • I can write about how an author uses linguistic features, structure and the layout of the text presentational devices) to influence the reader.

    • I can select what is relevant in a text and look at how the same information can be presented differently in different types of texts.

    Exceptional performance
    • I can write in detail, develop my ideas and look carefully at the language, structure and presentation of a range of demanding texts.

    • I can make comparisons between texts including audience, purpose and form.

    • I can see when information is presented as argument or opinion.

    Attainment Target 3: Writing

    Level 1
    • I can write simple words and put them together in simple phrases.

    • I know what a full stop is and I usually know where I should put one in my writing.

    • I can write letters clearly and usually correctly.

    Level 2
    • I can write simply and what I write makes sense.

    • I can make what I write interesting and easy to read.

    • I can usually use full stops and capital letters.

    • I can spell short, simple words correctly. When I can't spell a word I try to spell it the way that it sounds.

    • I can join up some words when I write.

    Level 3
    • I can write stories in the order that they happen (chronologically) and I try to make them interesting and easy to read.

    • I can change the way I write (style) depending on who I am writing for and why I am writing.

    • I can arrange ideas in an order so they make sense.

    • I can use a lot of different and interesting words and I usually write sentences which make sense (are grammatically correct.)

    • I can use full stops, capital letters and question marks correctly.

    • I can usually spell longer words correctly.

    r ways to create effects.

  • I can spell complex words correctly.

  • I can use punctuation correctly.

  • I can organise ideas in to separate paragraphs.

Level 7
  • I can choose an appropriate style for what I am writing.

  • I can describe characters and settings in detail.

  • I can organise ideas and information carefully organised so it is understandable (coherent).

  • I can use grammar and vocabulary correctly; I can spell complex words correctly; and I can present work neatly and clearly.

  • I can use paragraphs and punctuation to make what I am writing about easier to follow and understand (coherent).

Level 8
  • I can write in particular ways (e.g. I choose particular words and expressions) to create effects and interest the reader.

  • I can write stories (narrative) which are well structured and carefully written.

  • I can write non-fiction which is coherent and clear.

  • I can choose vocabulary and grammar very carefully to convey exactly what I mean.

  • I can use punctuation and paragraphing.

Exceptional performance
  • I can write in a complex and striking style, and maintain the reader's interest.